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One Crazy Morning and Oatmeal Cookies

I woke up late this morning and of course our 14 mo. old has his "mama radar" on 24-7, so he got up to follow me around the house as usual. I woke up our oldest daughter for school, and she is sometimes so grouchy waking up, so she lay motionless for a few minutes, and then got up and dressed herself. When breakfast was done, we got ready to head out the door to the car, and my husband asked me to look at the tires before we left, one of them was almost totally flat. (Dang it!) So I called the school to tell them she wouldn't be coming in today because of the car problem. An hour later my husband had the tire changed out with a spare and then, as I was getting things ready for my husband to go to work, our 2 year-old son decided he wanted to ignore the urge to go to the toilet, so he messed himself and decorated our kitchen floor with it too, I ran to grab him and asked my daughter to take our 14 mo. old up to the play room so that he didn't touch the stuff! To make my day a little more annoying, after all the headaches of the morning we finally got our daughter to school and my husband was off to work and then a few hours later my body decided it was time for its monthly visitor. Though my I have my goal of weight loss. I decided after all the craziness of the morning that I would make some Oatmeal Cookies....YUMMY! What could be better?
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