Swiffer Sweeper Vac and Shrek the 3rd!
A few months back I signed up for a membership on Vocalpoint.com
and I love being a member. It's a website which give its members access to explore and review products and services for various companies. After signing up I requested a free sample of Swiffer cleaning cloths, and after testing them out, I signed up and got selected by Swiffer to receive this Swiffer Sweeper Vac to see how it would change my daily cleaning. When we arrived back home from our Christmas vacation I had a wonderful package on my doorstep waiting to be opened, to my surprise it was my Swiffer and the bonus DVD Shrek the Third, and they even threw in a little Gingerbread man, which didn't survive long enough for pictures. (Thanks to my kids)
I charged it up for 24 hours and then I was able to clean my whole kitchen tile floors, the hallway, bathroom and entry way, it's cordless, bagels and so easy to use it also saves me time because it rotates as you move it along walls, it also has the added Swiffer cloths attached which really help pick up hair and dust. I love it and highly recommend the Swiffer and a membership on Vocalpoint it to you busy moms out there.
and I love being a member. It's a website which give its members access to explore and review products and services for various companies. After signing up I requested a free sample of Swiffer cleaning cloths, and after testing them out, I signed up and got selected by Swiffer to receive this Swiffer Sweeper Vac to see how it would change my daily cleaning. When we arrived back home from our Christmas vacation I had a wonderful package on my doorstep waiting to be opened, to my surprise it was my Swiffer and the bonus DVD Shrek the Third, and they even threw in a little Gingerbread man, which didn't survive long enough for pictures. (Thanks to my kids)
I charged it up for 24 hours and then I was able to clean my whole kitchen tile floors, the hallway, bathroom and entry way, it's cordless, bagels and so easy to use it also saves me time because it rotates as you move it along walls, it also has the added Swiffer cloths attached which really help pick up hair and dust. I love it and highly recommend the Swiffer and a membership on Vocalpoint it to you busy moms out there.

Hey! I received this too. You beat me in blogging about it though! Cool.