Walk with Jesus

A recent conversation with our 3-year-old son K:

K: Mommy I want to go for a walk with Jesus.

Me: Where do you want to go for a walk with him.

K: To a restramp! (Restaurant)

Me: But who is going to buy his food?

K: I have lots of money; see (shows me his 62 cents in his hand.)

Me: So what kind of food are you going to buy him son?

K: Sgetti and Macaromi (spaghetti and macaroni)

Me: Is that what Jesus likes?

K: Yes!

Me: Why do you want to take Jesus to a restaurant?

K: Because I love him!

**I love this kid!**


  1. Aren't kids the best ever? One day I was putting our little girl for a nap (two-years-old) and as I was closing the door I heard her say to herself, "papa loves me, mama loves me, God loves me, Jesus loves me, EVERYBODY love me." What a great way to head into life.

    God bless.

  2. Just PRICELESS Ane.....

    I know that's why I've been blessed with children later in my life, so that I can forget about myself and become like a little child! He's really cute, I see both of you in his lil' face....Don't you just love kids?? Hope you're doing well with your pregnancy too cuz...Gaurantee our kids are prolly hangin out up there before they come down and are prolly gonna have one last party before they both arrive in our arms...Too Cool!

  3. That is just too darn cute! I love talking to kids about Jesus cause it's like they can see and feel stuff that we can't. They're closer to him than we all are.

  4. You're such a good mommy. Thanks for your example. Love you!!

  5. That is SOOOOO sweet!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Yes, I agree...kids do say amazing and fun things! They help us see things from a whole new perspective!

    Thanks for stopping by! :)


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