Wordless Wednesday- Say Cheese!


  1. What a beautiful smile!

  2. What a doll, congrats on your pregnancy, I love me a big famili, looks like you do too :)

  3. He's so cute! I read below about the baby. I'm sure she'll be just fine. I had a scare with my little one when he was 2 weeks old. After priesthood blessings and a ton of faith, everything turned out okay. You are a strong faithful woman. You have everything in it's right perspective. I really enjoy reading your blog. I wish I could comment more but my old computer will time out before I can! Have a great day!

  4. Now that's a "cheesy" smile - adorable!

  5. What a great smile!

    I wanted to stop by to say thank you for keeping us in your T&P's. Things are happening slowly, Rodney has gotten a few calls backs for 2nd interviews so things are moving, I just hope in the right direction.

  6. I left you a little something at my place. :O)

  7. Thanks Sweet Serendipity, he has one look when you know he did something bad...lol!

  8. Devri: Malo Aupito!
    You are one amazing mama!

  9. Julie:
    Thanks so much for the encouragement, thoughts and kindness I really appreciate it!

  10. Gina: Thanks for stopping by I am glad to hear things are getting better! Many Blessings to you!

  11. CUTE CUTE CUTE!!! That picture makes me want to say GOO GOO!!!!

    {that is a good thing!}


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