The Many Faces of Baby

It's been a little over one month..

Since her debut

But she's starting to have a.....

itty bitty.....


So what did she need...

A nice warm bath..Ahhhhhh...

Now it's time for a nap...

Gotta Go!


  1. Nothin like precious pics. of a baby to start off your day...


  2. She is talavou for sure..

    I can't wait to see the tutu on her.

  3. What a little beauty! Congratulations and enjoy. It really does go by in the wink of an eye (no doubt you could use a few more winks at night right now though)!

  4. What a gorgeous little angel! Is it really been a month?

    BTW I will be on blog-cation and will not be able to visit and comment for awhile. I will miss your posts but I will be back. Have a great Thanksgiving holiday!

  5. What a bundle of joy! Many Blessings!

  6. so that's my problem! I just need a nice warm bath when I feel a temper tantrum coming on! LOL


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