Happy 5th Birthday Sweetie!!
Happy Birthday to our sweet 'n' beautiful Pearly Shella!! We love you so very much and we are so blessed to be your parents. You gave mommy a break when I was in labor, we knew you were so excited to be born because you were born so quickly that they nurse barely had time to catch you! The same personality you had when you were born, you have today. You are quick at learning things, and you have such an exciting and bubbly personality that enables you to easily make friends with anyone. You have blessed our family with your kind, sweet and gentle spirit. You give love freely to everyone you meet. Your beautiful smile and laughter fills our home and we love it so much. And one day when you are all grown up, you will continue to make the lives of your own family joyful and sweet. As parents we can truly say it has been pure joy having you as a daughter. You have learned to be a wonderful big sister to your brothers and sister and a great little sister too. We hope that you will always do your best to fulfill your goals and follow your dreams and that you will always remember the sweet days of your childhood. But more importantly that you are an amazing Child of God.

Her favorite color: pink
Favorite Singer: Hannah Montana
Favorite shapes: hearts and diamonds
Favorite foods: California rolls, or as she
calls it SHUSHI..lol!
Favorite beverage: water
Favorite treat: Gum, because she loves to blow bubbles!

Favorite Activity: Swimming
Favorite Toy: Her bike
Favorite game to play: Spoons

Favorite Letter: S
Favorite Number: 1000
Favorite Movie: Mostly Ghostly: Who Let the Ghosts Out?
We Love You,
Mom & Dad
Mom & Dad
All About me:
Pearly Shella
Pearly Shella
Her favorite scripture story:
The Birth of Jesus
The Birth of Jesus

Her favorite color: pink
Favorite Singer: Hannah Montana
Favorite shapes: hearts and diamonds
Favorite foods: California rolls, or as she
calls it SHUSHI..lol!
Favorite beverage: water
Favorite treat: Gum, because she loves to blow bubbles!

Favorite Activity: Swimming
Favorite Toy: Her bike
Favorite game to play: Spoons

Favorite Letter: S
Favorite Number: 1000
Favorite Movie: Mostly Ghostly: Who Let the Ghosts Out?
When she grows up she wants to be:
a singer/ try out on American Idol/ have her own concerts
oh and she wanted to add one more thing....
She has never been to Disney World
and she really wants to go!
a singer/ try out on American Idol/ have her own concerts
oh and she wanted to add one more thing....
She has never been to Disney World
and she really wants to go!
Talavou Tahine!!!!
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday little princess.
Happy Birthday Chella Bella!!!
ReplyDeleteWe love you!!!!!
What a beautiful letter to your daughter.
ReplyDeleteI found your blog through the Purple Diva.
OH my goodness, I cant even stand it!! Your kids are seriously so adorable. I love all the new pics of them at the top of your blog. Such a cute family, you should be proud
ReplyDeleteCute. Hope she had a great Birthday!
ReplyDeleteAne you are soo good at blogging I love your blog!! You need to help me on the pics! lol...Tell Sela I said Happy belated!! Love her soo much!!
ReplyDeleteLove Ya,
Happy birthday a little late for Sella. We miss you guys. If you need anything, please let me know. If you want a date night or whatever, I can watch your kids. Just give me a call.
ReplyDeleteIt's been awhile...I can't believe you have kids. Your were just a kid when we were hanging out with
Soko. It shows I'm gettin' old. lol! You have a beautiful family. Is Soko on here? Take care and I'm sure I'll drop by again.
Happy Birthday to beautiful Shella. Hope she had a wonderful day.
ReplyDeleteWhat a sweet post!!! Loved getting to know her better!!
Beautiful post. Hope she had a great birthday!
ReplyDeleteAne hey there, how have you been?? You have such a beautiful family. I have loved looking at your blog and catching up!!! How's life, we are you at these day's etc?? I'd love to catch up and hope all is well. JoDell