Wordless Wednesday...With a few words...

Caught in the act, testing out his Handy Manny
tools on his brother....

The look on his face after he was "caught"...

(Thanks for the adorable tutu's Devri! We love them!)


  1. Cute photos Ane! Especially that one of baby in the tutu, love it.

  2. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the baby's smile. He looks so happy. Also, isn't it amazing what kids will try out when they don't think anyone is looking. Too funny. :)

  3. O mY soo CUte!! I love coming On your BloG cauSe it'S so CutE and all abOUt familY!!!

  4. great pictures :) your children are beautiful!

  5. How cute your kids are!
    I love your blog and your sidebar is awesome! Thanks so much for visiting today and for entering the contest! Good luck! I love me some Devri! I'm gonna be a follower now if that's ok! ♥

  6. Those are some great faces! Those are the moments you want to remember.

  7. I can't stay Wordless on this one... TOO CUTE!! I love the little experiment with the Handy Manny tools! Funny. And that tutu is too,too cute!!

  8. That tutu...TOO CUTE! Great pics of the kids!

  9. Your children are beautiful. We miss you guys.


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