Kids Updates
It's been a while since I have updated on the kids and their milestones.
Here we go.....
Baby Pearl (16 mos.):
* She turns pages of a book when I read to her
* She loves her blankies and dolls.
* Walks and even runs pretty fast, she like to be chased around.
* Sings and likes to clap her hands and move her head to music.
* Get upset when frustrated and even more if you don't know what she wants.
* Walks backwards
* She climbs on chairs and tables and explores everything she can.
* Helps around the house, picks up toys.
* Can say 13 words.
* Picky about certain foods.
* She can take off her pants and diaper without help...time to get her potty
* Her separation anxiety is getting better.
* She loves to dance.
* She is learning how to fold her arms, close her eyes and say prayers.
iPearl (3 years old:
* He loves music, singing and dancing.
* He is very coordinated and can do some really good cartwheels.
* He uses more than 50 words.
* He loves to talk about things he likes and things that he did each day.
* He does chores, folds his clothes, picks up toys and fixes his bed with help.
* He eats like a man...he has a big appetite!
* He loves most foods and is not very picky.
* Likes pretend playing
* He holds a pen, pencil or crayon the correct way and is learning to write
his name.
* He can dress and undress himself, and can button and zip his clothing.
* He likes to be independent and enjoys learning new things.
* He still takes an hour nap each day.
* He is very friendly and quite charming.
* He is his brothers shadow and copies just about anything his brother says
and does.
* He is learning how to be reverent and he can say prayers unassisted.
K-Pearl (4 years old)-
* He is curious about everything and loves to learn how things work and can
explain things that he has learned.
* He is very active and coordinated, he loves to play pretend with his trucks
especially his firetrucks and police cars.
* He can spell and write his name and is learning how to write all the
letters in the alphabet.
* He loves school.
* He is a little shy, but is also very brave and it was easy for him to go to
school, he didn't cry at all.
* He can run very fast and loves sports.
* He has a vivid imagination and likes to add details to things that happened
at school, it's quite entertaining. But he knows to tell me that he was just
* He is a very good helper around the house and he is very good about keeping
his room clean.
* He can say prayers thoughtfully and knows how to be reverent but is still
learning how to speak softly during sacrament.
Pearly Shella (6 years old)-
* She loves to sing, dance and act.
* She makes up her own songs and melodies and will sing them to you if you ask.
* She can count up to 250.
* She can add and subtract.
* She can read and spell 15 words and enjoys learning new words.
* She has great memorization skills and learns quickly.
* She is very helpful with her siblings and with chores.
* She can tie her shoes.
* She can write her name and all of our families names.
* She loves to design dresses and sketches new ones each day.
* She rides her bike without training wheels.
* She memorizes dances and loves to perform. She is very animated.
* She prays like an old lady, it's cute! She thinks of everyone and blesses
the whole world when she prays, literally.
Pearlie (7 years old)-
* She is very coordinated and has good balance.
* She loves to read and enjoys chapter books.
* She can tell time; knows the days, months, and seasons.
* She understands the difference between right and wrong.
* She takes direction well; needs punishment only rarely.
* She can do simple gymnastic movements, such as somersaults.
* She loves hip hop dancing and is always showing me her new moves she made
or that her cousins taught her.
* She loves to read her scriptures and is learning the more about baptism and
the blessings of the Holy Ghost. She will be baptized this spring.
Here we go.....
Baby Pearl (16 mos.):

* She turns pages of a book when I read to her
* She loves her blankies and dolls.
* Walks and even runs pretty fast, she like to be chased around.
* Sings and likes to clap her hands and move her head to music.
* Get upset when frustrated and even more if you don't know what she wants.
* Walks backwards
* She climbs on chairs and tables and explores everything she can.
* Helps around the house, picks up toys.
* Can say 13 words.
* Picky about certain foods.
* She can take off her pants and diaper without help...time to get her potty
* Her separation anxiety is getting better.
* She loves to dance.
* She is learning how to fold her arms, close her eyes and say prayers.
iPearl (3 years old:

* He loves music, singing and dancing.
* He is very coordinated and can do some really good cartwheels.
* He uses more than 50 words.
* He loves to talk about things he likes and things that he did each day.
* He does chores, folds his clothes, picks up toys and fixes his bed with help.
* He eats like a man...he has a big appetite!
* He loves most foods and is not very picky.
* Likes pretend playing
* He holds a pen, pencil or crayon the correct way and is learning to write
his name.
* He can dress and undress himself, and can button and zip his clothing.
* He likes to be independent and enjoys learning new things.
* He still takes an hour nap each day.
* He is very friendly and quite charming.
* He is his brothers shadow and copies just about anything his brother says
and does.
* He is learning how to be reverent and he can say prayers unassisted.
K-Pearl (4 years old)-
* He is curious about everything and loves to learn how things work and can
explain things that he has learned.
* He is very active and coordinated, he loves to play pretend with his trucks
especially his firetrucks and police cars.
* He can spell and write his name and is learning how to write all the
letters in the alphabet.
* He loves school.
* He is a little shy, but is also very brave and it was easy for him to go to
school, he didn't cry at all.
* He can run very fast and loves sports.
* He has a vivid imagination and likes to add details to things that happened
at school, it's quite entertaining. But he knows to tell me that he was just
* He is a very good helper around the house and he is very good about keeping
his room clean.
* He can say prayers thoughtfully and knows how to be reverent but is still
learning how to speak softly during sacrament.
Pearly Shella (6 years old)-

* She loves to sing, dance and act.
* She makes up her own songs and melodies and will sing them to you if you ask.
* She can count up to 250.
* She can add and subtract.
* She can read and spell 15 words and enjoys learning new words.
* She has great memorization skills and learns quickly.
* She is very helpful with her siblings and with chores.
* She can tie her shoes.
* She can write her name and all of our families names.
* She loves to design dresses and sketches new ones each day.
* She rides her bike without training wheels.
* She memorizes dances and loves to perform. She is very animated.
* She prays like an old lady, it's cute! She thinks of everyone and blesses
the whole world when she prays, literally.
Pearlie (7 years old)-

* She is very coordinated and has good balance.
* She loves to read and enjoys chapter books.
* She can tell time; knows the days, months, and seasons.
* She understands the difference between right and wrong.
* She takes direction well; needs punishment only rarely.
* She can do simple gymnastic movements, such as somersaults.
* She loves hip hop dancing and is always showing me her new moves she made
or that her cousins taught her.
* She loves to read her scriptures and is learning the more about baptism and
the blessings of the Holy Ghost. She will be baptized this spring.
ane that was soo sweet!! I need to come visit you guys asap! I will come maybe Sunday if that's okay with you. Let me know your schedule, juss text me! I love the updates on your kids, they are so beautiful and very much like you and Kenneth...what great parents you both are :]
ReplyDeleteAne, your kids are beautiful! Congrats on the new little boy that on his way!
ReplyDeleteWhat sweet sweet kids you have!
ReplyDeleteThanks Honey--for the update, it was a pleasure to see the kids through your eyes; even a glimpse...Love you,