Blogging Tips I love!

It's Spring Break! We don't have too many plans for the week on the that means I get to spend a bit more time BLOGGING! YESSS! Well, at least I hope I do! :D

I had been used to the old blogger and I am still learning things to make my blogs work the way I want them to. Here is a great site with a tip for those who want a bit more privacy with the images that are posted on your blogs. I really like this site and if you are just starting out or want to find some tips to tweak the coding in your blogs, I would highly recommend this site. Want to learn how to make your photos in your posts unclickable, so that they are not enlarged when they are clicked? (In the post just be low this one you can test it for yourself.) Here's how you can do it to: The Original Blogger Tips and Tricks

I hope this helps someone! :D


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