Funny Things

I love having conversations with the kids. They really have helped me to have a positive outlook on life, by their examples and their unwavering faith. One thing I love about kids is their ability to make you laugh without trying, or without even knowing how funny they are. Oh, by the way....I should mention, they are not gangsters...they are UTE fans! Just like me! lol! Go UTES!
Here are a few things that cracked me up this week, or made my heart melt this week
and reminded me why I LOVE and ENJOY MAMA HOOD!

  • 2 year old Lil' Pearl saying a prayer, "Bless that Papa will take us to McDonald's.."
  • 4 year old son iPearl talking to our 5 year old son kPearl, "You know why, cuz all the girls love me!" (He has been listening to his aunties iPod too much! No Bueno!)
  • Our 7 year old Pearly Shella, "Guess what mom, I am THE smartest kid in my class...even smarter than my substitute teacher!"
  • Our 2 y.o. Lil' Pearl, "My baby dolly has uku's!" (Yes, unfortunately we had a case of these annoyances!)


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