4 days old |
1 month old |
2 months old |

4 months old |
5 months old |
6 months old |
8 months old |
10 months old |
11 months old |
12 months old |
iPearl is five years old! I can't believe how fast time flies!
He was such a fun baby. Now that he's 5 his fun personality keeps us entertained. He sure is a little charmer, likes to joke around and be silly. I can't believe how much he has grown. He is now almost 50 lbs. He's solid, athletic and has tons of energy. When the kids play football outside in the yard, he doesn't quite have the speed of his older brother, but he has a lot of strength. He can pin down his older brother. Perhaps we have a future lineman on our hands....lol! He's been a great blessing in our lives and he teaches us by his humility and his unique ability to love everyone around him. He had a very fun 5th birthday party this year. We did small birthday celebration on Thanksgiving day, and then a birthday party on Saturday with dinner and cake and ice cream. We played games with the kids, played board games & sports. He is definitely
a lot like his namesake and his daddy all rolled into one. He
loves to play with his cars and loves animals. He is a very good artist. He likes to beat-box, at least he
tries too. He has some amazing coordination. He taught himself how to do a cartwheel at age 3 and can do a round off somersault, which he also learned on his own. He is starting to do some break dancing moves on the floor...again self-taught..lol! He definitely gets the dancing skills from my side of the family...lol! (Right hon?) He is doing an excellent job in preschool and he's definitely ready for Kindergarten....not sure if I am. :(
12 months old |
We have definitely enjoyed raising such a sweet kid, and we look forward to seeing him progress, learn and grow throughout his life experiences.
Daddy & Mommy love you so much son! We are grateful to have the blessing to raise such a fun boy! Always stay close to the Lord, he will never lead you astray. Be grateful for all you have. Keep your testimony strong and always share it with others.
Happy 5th Birthday Son!
Daddy & Mommy
P.S. Thank you to our families for helping us with his fun birthday celebration!
18 months old |
2 & 1/2 years old |
3 years old |
4 years old |
5 years & 2 days old |
FT&P Always & Forever
Happy Birthday cute boy!! Love you and wish I was there to celebrate. XOXO