The kids had their annual Singing in the round, while I love the music...I dislike the set up. I am a bit frustrated with this post because my baby boy was being very naughty running around and touching things, so I could hardly capture everything I wanted to. I dislike singing in the round because I can never get good shots of all of the kids. So here is my crappy video work the only ones that worked for now...Blogger video uploading is so doesn't work as well as it used to and the only photos I could take. :(
(To KTT: Sorry honey.
I will try uploading one more via YouTube so check back if you want....FT&P Always! xoxoxoxo
I love you so much!!)
Have a very Merry Christmas!
Pearly Shella |
4th graders |
K-Pearls class & 1st Graders
(He's in the blue close to the teacher that's leading.)
Pearly Shella's class and 2nd Graders
Pearlie's class & 4th graders
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