An Aspiring Writer

Our Pearlie has always loved reading and writing.   She has decided that someday, she is going to become an author.  In fact, she is already working on some short stories.  She has the determination to achieve goals that she sets.  I love it that she takes initiative.  I always call her my little mama,  she is a natural leader.  She really loves to help out with her younger siblings.  Her dad and I have encouraged her to start writing books.  She has written some great short stories.  I hope that she will always be a passionate person and pursue her dreams.  I want her to know that she has great potential. She will become someone great, she's already amazing.  We love her so much and we think she rocks!

 Love you Pearlie!
 ♥Daddy & Mommy

A comic  Pearlie created through a website

Irish Tales

(A short story that Pearlie wrote which was featured in her school's newsletter.)

One morning in Ireland lived a short and very smart leprechaun named Lee.  He was sleeping in his comfy warm bed.  The next morning his pot of gold (that was right by him) was gone!  He looked everywhere.  Then he found foot prints in the mud.  Next he followed them until they stopped at an old tree.  He climbed the old tree and found the thieves!  A short and stubby one and a tall and skinny one.  They were both bald. He took the pot of gold and reported them to the leprechaun police.  
They went to jail.  

The end.

Pearlie babysitting Baby L with cousin J


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