2010- A Year of Service

The beginning of 2010 was an exciting time for our family, we moved to a new place and things were getting better for our family. I wrote in a post earlier this year, that one of my resolutions would be to make 2010 a year of service. Well, it certainly WAS a year of service. But not exactly the way I had pictured it to be. In the beginning of 2010 we had to start all over because of circumstances that we faced. 
 We had a major challenge in the Spring. It was and still is hard. We are currently faced with some difficult circumstances that are beyond our control. We have managed to get through the hard times, by the Grace of God and many angels this year. Angels we know and angels we do not know. As a family, we have had many opportunities to serve and have been the recipients of very self-less acts of service. The greatest of these acts of service which we have been humbled by,  is the service of unconditional love and forgiveness. It's been so uplifting to feel the love and witness some miracles of forgiveness.

We have an amazing family and we love them so much! 

We have had a new baby born, a baptism, a baby blessing, birthdays, all of these various milestones that we have looked forward to. We are still a family in crisis, but at the same time...we are a family that is stronger than ever before. We have had to face some ultimate tests of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual challenges and with the help of our many angels, we are definitely going to endure this crisis. My husband and I have been deeply blessed by our kids sweet spirits. 
They have lifted us and made us stronger than we thought possible. 

When people ask us how we can endure this, we don't really have an answer other than because we have to, because we love each other. 

LOVE is the ultimate gift that we have received this year. 
LOVE has strengthened us and carried us. 
I have never understood how much our Heavenly Father loves us....until NOW.

I am not perfect, I have many flaws. But I will NEVER doubt that the Savior lives, Heavenly Father is a LIVING, LOVING Father. 
He is always there. Never forget that.
This year was supposed to be a year of service. 
It turned out to be a year of service for sure....but we have been the main recipients.
I love my husband. 
I love our children. 

I love our families and friends. 
Thank you all!

A few of my New Years Resolutions are....

  • Get healthier
  • Endure Challenges
  • Have Faith

 What are yours?


  1. Oh Annie I love your family, and especially the heartbeat of your family which is YOU!! You are the glue that holds your family together :) I am so proud of you and how far you've come. You are such a great person, and I'm so happy you are my 12th cousin!! ahaha Love ur optimism and faith. My goals this year are to lose weight, get pregnant, and practice patience and discipline! :)

  2. This is why I love reading your blog! Such great insight that I learn a ton from. Thanks for sharing. =)


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